OK, guys; school just started, the Olympics are in full swing, and my schedule WAS in chaos. I say was because this whole summer, my posts have been all over the place with no real direction, themes, or purpose at all; For this, I am truly sorry. While I know that I don’t have a true fan basis, there are at least some that read this blog, and I thank you for that! I need to stay loyal, motivated, and entertaining for you and anybody new in the future. It can be hard to do that when you don’t have any real travel plans in the near future, and even though this isn’t just a travel blog, this summer has been pretty boring and humdrum.
The new schedule will be Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays for normal blog posts with Thursdays having a travel based theme, and the others will be mixed travel/food/culture posts with other things mixed in at random like history, hiking and just everyday stuff. As always, please give your criticism in the comments section below and give your ideas and suggestions as well! The Arizona series will continue this Thursday. Thank you for being patient!
Travel well,
Steven Chavez